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This weekend, Lead Pastor Derek Olsen teaches from Psalm 78 on the importance of passing on faith from generation to generation.

Family Matters

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Guest speaker and LaMoine Christian Camp Manager Matt Churchill shares an update about what God is doing at the camp along with encouragement for families in training their children for Kingdom living.

Finding Margin in Our Busy Lives

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Derek Olsen teaches on the dangers of busyness in our lives. The temptation for a busy life is greater than ever, and can have a detrimental effect to our the physical, emotional, relational and spiritual aspects of our lives.

Defend the House

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Spiritually defending your family is the heart of today’s message. The attack on the family continues, we need to be alert and on guard. Using Matthew 12:25-30; 1 Peter 5:8; Ephesians 6:4, Pastor Derek Olsen encourages us to stand firm and keep fighting for the hearts of our children.

Guarding Your Family in the Money Trap

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Finances are often a factor in family conflict. This week, Lead Pastor Derek Olsen shares the Bible’s teaching on what our heart attitudes should be concerning money, and how to protect our marriages and families from the dangers different saving and spending practices can have on relationships.

Believe Belong BECOME

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In the last of the Believe, Belong, Become series, Lead Pastor Derek Olsen teaches about the importance of understanding and utilizing the gifts God gives us for the benefit of His kingdom.

The Purpose of the Church

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This week, Pastor Derek Olsen taught concerning the benefits and responsibilities as part of the body of Christ as we come to “belong” as believers. Belonging in God’s family is part of His purpose for our lives.

You Are What You Love

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Pastor Derek Olsen begins a new series this week on what it means to Believe, Belong and Become as a part of the body of Christ and at New Testament Christian Church.